Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I knew I would suck at this!

So it's been many months since I posted last.  I have tried and failed at the blog thing a few times.
I thought I would post and update everyone on what's new...We are pregnant and I am almost in my 20th week.

I have been on modified bedrest and out of work since early June. It's frustrating, but a relief at the same time, because my job is so draining and I can think of a million other jobs I would rather be doing!  Fortunately, everything seems to be getting better and baby appears healthy.  We will go in next Monday for the full scan, etc.   Shane is still set on not knowing the sex, and while I think it's a neat concept, part of me really wants to know.  This is probably an awful thing to say, and don't get me wrong at all, but knowing this is the last one, I almost feel the need to "brace" myself if it's another boy.  I will be thrilled and in love with this little one no matter what, but knowing I would never have a girl makes me a little sad.  Anyway, I figure that he doesn't get to experience so many of the cool things that I do, so I figure it's not that much of a sacrifice to let him have this; the surprise aspect.  His comment to his mom the other day when she asked why we weren't finding out melted my heart.  He said "I don't need to know. I will love him or her the same" .  I have myself a keeper.

I have lots of friends around me that are pregnant, too!  It's actually pretty funny!  Just in my local mom's group, there are about 6 of us due within a few months of each other.  Actually, 3 of us are due within less than 2 weeks of each other!  One just confirmed a girl (she has a boy already) and I know she's thrilled!

I also have a dear friend who has been struggling for a really long time to get pregnant.  I have to say that I miss my friend....she avoids me like the plague, and I don't blame her.  I pray for her every day and wish hat I could give her strength.

What else is new....hmm....obviously I am not losing weight, lol!  That's been put on hold.  Shane is still working for the same company, and the two oldest boys will start back to school in less than a month!  You can bet that even though I love 'em to death, I am counting down the days!!  Can't believe I already have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader!

We have started working harder on budgeting our money.  I will be the first to admit that we have not always been the best when it comes to finances.  I have shed a lot of tears over the past few months because we are so far behind and that's even with doing very little "extra"; we're just still trying to catch up.  I have been reading up on couponing and we are building a budget using the Dave Ramsey method.  I really hope and pray that it works for us.

Took a trip to MD a few weeks ago.  Took the kids to Ocean City, and Port Discovery, saw Dave Matthews in concert (for the 5th time!!!) and spent some good times with "Wa-Wa", Zack and Granddad.  Zack has really grown and flourished into a nice young man. He starts college in the fall, and we are more proud of him than we ever have said, and definitely need to say.

I am working (volunteering) as an Administration Director for The Mommies Network ( and I LOVE the job.  It is everything I want in a job besides, well, pay.  LOL!  There are certainly days when I feel underappreciated and days when I want to throw in the towel, but I know I won't because it's my passion.  I have an amazing partner, and we are doing some really great things.  I LOVE the entire group of Directors and the Executive Board...I have learned a great deal from these women.  Even though most of us are very different people, we find common ground and have built some pretty great friendships.

As I type this, the boys are chasing each other around the house.  Yelling and screaming and laughing.  It's chaos, lol!  Dinner is not started, because Shane stilll isn't home, but I am hoping for a call soon.  The sun is coming out after a crazy storm, and little baby Tumbleweed just gave me a kick in the belly. Life is pretty good.

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